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Oddworld Wiki

The Kinto are eyeless animals used to carry the Glukkon queens, notably Lady Margaret. They are normally peaceful creatures, but are capable of acting defensively.


In nature, before being enslaved, Kintos lived on mountains - which made them agile climbers. They have two, powerful, overly muscular forearms that end in a single toe, capable of penetrating almost anything with great force. Their former legs are absent and their torso ends at the pelvis, although there are two stumps where their legs were thought to have originally resided. They also have two 'stumps' on the top of their body where their eyes are thought to be. Kintos' back muscles are constantly flexed, in order to maintain their weight. Their skin is of a sienna color. [1]


Originally residing upon one of Mudos' mountain ranges, they led simple lives. Their only worry being the odd fear of objects above their heads, be it tree branches, higher ledges, or even hats. The Glukkons then enslaved the Kintos, to make use of their muscular prowess. One particular function of Kinto slaves is to carry the Glukkon Queen, Lady Margaret, in her sedan chair. Each of about twelve Kintos holds an arm of Maggie’s sedan in the groove between their eye bulges, chained to it by their lower lip so they can’t put the chair down.

Alf has stated that the only reason Mudokons hadn't attempted to secure themselves Kintos, was due to their fear of things residing above them. This awareness of itself and things in relation to it, raised ethical questions as to whether or not the Glukkons enslave a possible sentient species. Alf assumes whatever they once were has now been tainted by their enslavement.


  • Originally intended to make their début appearance in Oddworld: Munch’s Oddysee, they were not included in the final version of the game.
  • Artwork of them can be found in The Art of Oddworld Inhabitants: The First Ten Years 1994 - 2004.
  • Kintos were designed with the idea in mind of body builders that concentrate one part of their body and end up exaggerating it and making their body disproportionate.


  1. Johnson, Cathy & Daniel Wade (eds) (15/09/2004). ‘Kinto Slaves’, ‘Oddworld: Munch’s Oddysee’, p. 228. The Art of Oddworld Inhabitants: The First Ten Years 1994–2004. Mylor: Ballistic Publishing.